Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Would You Do With An Extra $1,000?

What Would You Do With An Extra $1,000?

It's estimated that Americans spend about $40 billion annually on diet and weight loss products.Weight gain from fat is a worldwide problem, and the United States ranks among the highest in developed countries. Experts are predicting "being fat" will be the norm in America by 2010. What does that tell you? Do NOT do what overweight people are doing!

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 19, 2009 -- It's estimated that Americans spend about $40 billion annually on diet and weight loss products. Some programs, especially those that require special foods, can cost $1,000 or more per year. Yet many people still find themselves having to lose the same 10 pounds--plus an additional 10, 20, or 30 pounds--over and over again. That's because they're not taking advantage of the most important tool they have--their minds. In her new book "HEAD OVER MEALS (", weight loss expert Lee Betchley provides simple strategies that can help you change the way you think about food and weight, and achieve and maintain a healthy weight forever!

"Head Over Meals" is not a book about what to eat. "Head Over Meals" is not about building and exercise program. The only way to achieve permanent weight loss is to become a healthy person. To do this, you must plug into the way a healthy slender person thinks and behaves without being consciously aware of it.

"After almost a decade of working with people who have spent of lifetime of battling their weight issues and personal research including seminars, groups and one-on-one with specialists," states Ms. Betchley, "I have discovered the secret to winning the war."

Ms. Betchley goes on to explain: "Over the years I have discovered the best way to assist my clients is by giving them the tools of 'control'. My published articles on how to change one's beliefs, attitude and behavior have given me the title of one of the best authorities on weight loss clients by the American Hypnosis Association and other therapists in the Los Angeles area. And now I am making those steps available to the general public."

Health does not come by chance, education, or hard work alone. Being healthy is a lifestyle. This weight loss book gives a clear formula to create the mental retraining that is needed to make any weight loss lifelong. This is a self-paced / self-aware book that assists the reader in understanding why and what problems exists, why they might have failed to maintain health in the past and how to begin a permanent healthy lifestyle. Utilizing these step-by-step instructions will assist the reader to align themselves mentally with their physical actions. This book is the last weight loss book a person will ever need.

No matter where you are in your health and weight loss journey today--whether obese, overweight, or stuck on a plateau--this book will help you. If you're one of those Americans spending money on diet programs that just aren't working for you, stop! Instead, put your HEAD OVER MEALS--and start thinking about what you could do with the money you save.

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Contact Information Lee Betchley

HEAD OVER MEALS-Thinking Your Way To Being Thin

818 486-9219